Following our national sorority, Lambda Rho Zeta currently sponsors Pearlettes, Amicettes, Archonettes and Amicae auxiliary groups.
Precious pre-school and elementary age young ladies (4 – 8) who want to emulate Zeta’s ideals of community service, friendliness to others and Finer Womanhood. Through various programs sponsored by our chapter Pearlettes gain greater self-esteem, lasting friendships, cultural enhancement and learn how to get along with others.
Junior high/middle school age young ladies (9 -13) who desire to emulate Zeta’s ideals. Through various programs sponsored by our chapter Amicettes are given opportunities to learn about themselves, help others and internalize qualities that will make them good students and community citizens. Their motto is: We Serve Others Because We Care!
High school age young ladies (14 -18) who desire to emulate Zeta’s ideals of community service, scholastic achievement, friendliness to others and Finer Womanhood. Through various programs sponsored by our chapter, Archonettes gain greater self-esteem, lasting friendships, cultural enhancement and leadership skills. Their motto is: Sharing With & Caring for Those Less Fortunate than Ourselves.

Zeta Amicae
Women who assist Zeta chapters with activities. Members shall be non-degreed women who are reputable community citizens and have an interest in Zeta ideals.
If you are interested in obtaining more information about our Auxiliary Groups, please contact us at: