Chapter History
The Lambda Rho Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., was organized and chartered through the tireless efforts of five Zetas residing in Pontiac, Michigan:
Sorors Willie B. Aldridge, Edna Metoyer, Dorothy F. King, Yvonne M. Robinson, and Brenda M. Street.
On January 22, 1983, Lambda Rho Zeta Chapter of Pontiac officially joined the other graduate chapters of Michigan located in Detroit, Flint, Highland Park, Inkster, Kalamazoo, and Saginaw.

Today, the five charter members have been joined by over forty (40) more ladies under Zeta’s umbrella. In 1986, the chapter chartered an auxiliary youth group, the Archonettes, ages 14-18; also in 1986 the adult auxiliary group, the Amicae, (Friends of Zeta) was chartered.

In 1987, Lambda Rho Zeta established the Pontiac Archonian Club and initiated its first group of undergraduate sorors into the Nu Nu chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan.

The Lambda Rho Zeta Chapter continues, with their support, to hold high the lamp of the organizations to illuminate Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood.
Lambda Rho Zeta Signature Programs:
Back to School Rally (August)
Bowling for Scholarship (August)
Prematurity Awareness Sunday (November)
Theater Party (February)
OLHSA Walk for Wamth (February)
Lamdba Rho Zeta Finerwomanhood Luncheon (June)

​If you are interested in learning more about our chapter, please contact us for additional information.